Man Forms Unforgettable Friendship with Sasquatch Family in the Woods
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
If you're someone who is open-minded about the existence of Sasquatch, then you're in for a treat. A video posted on YouTube by the channel "Camping With Sasquatch" shares a unique and in-depth experience of a person who claims to have formed a friendship with a female forest friend and her family.
The video's caption explains that while some Sasquatch stories are hard to believe, this one may be particularly challenging to accept, even for those who believe in the creature's existence. However, the channel's host notes that there are several consistencies in this account that are similar to other experiences shared by others.
The video features posts and comments from the individual who had the experience, named William. He describes his three-day adventure in the woods, where he met Kawa, a female Sasquatch, and her family. William explains that Sasquatches are not demonic or evil, but instead, they are intelligent and kind ancient beings who choose to live a simple lifestyle.
According to William, he and his friend went to the mountains for a few days of fishing and camping. While his friend went fishing, William decided to explore the woods, looking for signs of Sasquatch. He kept feeling like he was being watched and smelled honeysuckle flowers, even though they were not in bloom. Later that night, he heard a soft female voice in his head saying "hello my friend."
William explains that he had a similar experience back in 1982 while deer hunting. He heard a voice saying his name and introducing himself as his spiritual guide, Shasta. Fast forward to the present, and William had the opportunity to meet Kawa in person and even touch her.
The video also includes comments and questions from skeptics, which William took the time to answer. William emphasizes that Sasquatches can read minds and communicate telepathically, which is how he was able to become friends with Kawa.
While some may be skeptical about William's account, the video's host believes that William is telling the truth. They note that even if you're a skeptic, it's still an incredible and mind-blowing experience worth hearing about.
So, if you're interested in hearing about unique Sasquatch experiences, then check out the video on "Camping With Sasquatch" and decide for yourself.