Deborah Hatswell's Shocking Bigfoot Encounter and Local Sightings

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from The Basement Hangout, host Chad interviews Bigfoot and paranormal researcher Deborah Hatswell of BBR Investigations. Deb shares her personal experience that sparked her interest in the field and led her to establish her own investigation team. Deb's encounter took place when she was just 15 years old, during a sunny afternoon in an abandoned mansion's parkland. While playing hooky with a friend, she noticed a quick movement out of the corner of her eye. She made eye contact with a creature that appeared to be a cross between a man and a Neanderthal, but much hairier and more muscular. The creature had a human mouth, amber-colored eyes, and a flat nose. Deb describes the creature as having thick, chewing muscles on its head and visible skin within its hair. The sighting had a profound impact on Deb's life. She became traumatized and spent the next 25 years avoiding the woods. However, her curiosity eventually led her to start researching and investigating similar encounters. Deb's BBR Investigations focuses on cases of Bigfoot, Dogman, other cryptids, the paranormal, and beyond, primarily in the UK but also globally. In the interview, Deb discusses her networking with other investigators and researchers since the 1980s. She explains that while most of her cases initially came from the UK, she now receives cases from various parts of the world, including Canada and Russia. Deb emphasizes that she works on cases involving not only Bigfoot but also other cryptids and paranormal phenomena. The Basement Hangout video provides a fascinating insight into Deborah Hatswell's personal experience and her work as a researcher and investigator. Her story is a testament to the enduring allure of the unknown and the importance of investigating and documenting these mysterious encounters. To learn more about Deb's work and her captivating personal experience, be sure to watch the full video on The Basement Hangout's YouTube channel.