New Bigfoot Sightings and Experiences in Idaho, Missouri, and Oklahoma

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Sasquatch sightings and encounters have been reported from various parts of the world, and it seems that the mysterious creature is becoming more active in certain areas. Recently, a video was posted on the YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory, featuring a compilation of Bigfoot emails from people who have had their own sightings and experiences. The first email was from Daniel, who is from Soda Springs, Idaho. He shared his experience of working at a phosphite mine and how he began to open up about his sighting to his friends and co-workers. To his surprise, many of them also had their own Bigfoot encounters and were willing to share them with him. Daniel mentioned a particular incident where a man and his friend witnessed a young Sasquatch crossing the road in front of their truck. The creature then made a sound that was a mix of a young man screaming and a predator call, which terrified the witnesses. Daniel also mentioned that there have been several sightings along the Grays River in Idaho and Wyoming, where campers have reported seeing something huge and ungodly during the early morning hours. The creature was reported to be moving on two legs and making loud yells that carried miles down the river. The second email was from another Daniel, who moved from St. Louis County to Dixon, Missouri after a career-ending injury. He shared his experience of hearing wood knocks on the left side of the river while fishing with his girlfriend and her 15-year-old son. The knocks were loud and close, and he couldn't help but think that it was a noise often attributed to a Bigfoot. The third email was from Steve, who moved from Amarillo, Texas to a small hill town in Macon, Oklahoma. He shared his experience of hearing a loud and deep "Yoo-hoo" sound in the woods while hunting. The sound was so incredible that it set him on a path of researching Sasquatch and its calls. These emails are just a few of the many sightings and encounters that have been reported. It's fascinating to hear people's experiences and how it has affected them. Who knows, there might be a Sasquatch lurking in your own backyard. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch sightings and encounters, be sure to check out the Sasquatch Theory YouTube channel and watch the video for yourself. You might just discover that the mysterious creature is closer than you think.