California Park Ranger's Chilling Encounter with a Mysterious Force in Mount Baldy Wilderness
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
Park Ranger Assaulted by an Unseen Force in the Backcountry
Hey there, fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! I came across an interesting video on YouTube from the channel The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH. The video, titled "US Park Ranger Assaulted By Something Unknown," shares an intriguing account of a former Marine, police officer, and current park ranger who had a bizarre experience in the backcountry of Mount Baldy Wilderness Area in the San Gabriel Mountains. I thought it would be worth sharing this account with our community.
The park ranger, who prefers to remain anonymous, describes an incident that occurred around 2005. He and his friend were camping in the wilderness area, which is not easily accessible due to difficult terrain and poor road conditions. As they were setting up camp, they decided to cut down some dead branches for firewood. Here's where things get weird.
The ranger was standing on a large trunk, holding an ax, and chatting with his friend when, out of nowhere, he was flipped upside down and fell towards the rocks below. He hit a branch on the way down, which gouged into his ribs. His friend was in total disbelief, describing it as if someone or some force had thrown both of the ranger's legs over his head. There was no ice or snow on the trunk, and the ranger had solid footing. He felt a great force had taken his legs out from underneath him.
But the strange occurrences didn't end there. That night, large rocks were thrown at their campfire from the darkness, and they couldn't find any signs of anyone or anything in the area. They eventually heard a loud scampering around their vehicle and found fresh cougar tracks nearby, but no other signs of anything unusual.
While the ranger doesn't claim that it was a Bigfoot or Sasquatch that assaulted him, he admits that the experience has changed his perspective on the elusive beings that may inhabit the wilderness. He mentions that he has heard stories from our viewers and David Paulides' Missing 411 cases, as well as the semi-transparent being that has been talked about.
You can watch the full video here: [Insert Video Link]
What do you think about this park ranger's experience? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments below. And as always, stay open-minded and curious as we continue to explore the world of Bigfoot and Sasquatch.