Crafting a Metal Sasquatch: A Unique Bigfoot Tribute Gift
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
Title: Metal Shop Sasquatch Project: A Unique Take on a Beloved Icon
Hey Squatchable readers! I recently came across a fascinating video on YouTube from the channel Ward Works, where the creator shares his process of making a metal silhouette of Sasquatch. As a curator for this website, I was immediately intrigued and thought I'd share my thoughts on this unique project.
The video starts with the creator cleaning up his workshop, which I can relate to as we all know how easy it is for a workspace to become cluttered. During this cleanup, he decides to build some battery infrastructure for his growing collection of battery-powered tools. It's always great to see people taking the time to organize and optimize their workspace.
As he continues to clean and organize, he stumbles upon a piece of metal and decides to create a Sasquatch silhouette for someone else. He measures and lays out a grid on the metal to ensure accuracy while tracing the Sasquatch image. This grid method is a clever way to create a large silhouette without the need for precise measurements, as the final product will be viewed from a distance.
The creator then shares his choice of tools for this project, including a straight edge, a speed square, and a lead pointer. He explains his preference for lead pointers over pencils, as they sharpen themselves and are more robust. I found it interesting that he decided against using a pen because it might be too permanent for his project.
As he begins drawing the grid, he realizes that the first lines aren't quite two inches apart. After some investigation, he discovers that the issue lies with his speed square not being properly aligned with the metal. Once corrected, he continues drawing the grid and moves on to tracing the Sasquatch image.
The creator then shares an idea for making the process easier: using a rudimentary projector to trace the image onto the metal. This approach could save time and effort, and it's always exciting to see innovative solutions to common problems.
Overall, this video showcases a unique and creative approach to making a Sasquatch silhouette. If you're interested in seeing the process unfold, I encourage you to check out the original video on Ward Works' YouTube channel. And who knows, maybe this project will inspire you to create your own Sasquatch silhouette or tackle another creative endeavor!