Sietik Tribe: Unveiling the Legendary Mountain Devils and Bigfoot Connection

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers, have you heard about the fascinating history of the Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, in the Northwest? A recent video posted on the YouTube channel Bigfoot Michigan Rob sheds light on this topic, focusing on a tribe called the Sietiks, who are believed to have lived in the Vancouver Island and Olympic range, including Mount Saint Helens. According to the video, the Sietiks were said to be seven to eight feet tall, with hairy bodies like a bear, and were known for their hypnotic power and ventriloquism. They were also known to steal Indian women and babies, and lived entirely in the mountains, coming down to the shores only when they wanted a change of diet. The video also mentions the miners' encounter in Ape Canyon in 1924, where they reported being attacked by hairy, ape-like creatures. The video suggests that these creatures may have been the Sietiks. The video is based on a 1926 article from the Seattle Times, which was discovered by Bigfoot Michigan Rob during his research. The article states that the existence of the Sietiks was kept secret by other tribes, partly because they knew no white man would believe them and partly because the Northwestern Indian is ashamed of the Sietik tribe. Bigfoot Michigan Rob also mentions that the Sietiks were believed to have become extinct, but the present-day Indians believed that they had become extinct 15 years prior to the article. The last tracks of the Sietiks were seen and recognized at the Brennan River prior to that time. The video also mentions Henry Napoleon of the Kalan tribe, who was the only Indian ever invited to the home of the Sietiks. He claimed that the Sietiks lived in a large cave and had the ability to make themselves invisible by strange medicine that they rubbed over their bodies. Bigfoot Michigan Rob concludes the video by saying that he takes a lot of credence into what the first nations people tell us and encourages the audience to watch the video and decide for themselves if this is folklore or a tale. If you're interested in learning more about the history of Sasquatch, be sure to check out the video on Bigfoot Michigan Rob's YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay squatchable!