North Carolina Family's Close Encounters with Possible Bigfoot
Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024
By staff
Title: Family in Cherokee, NC Reports Mysterious Encounters with a "Berrying" Bigfoot
A fascinating story has come to our attention from the YouTube channel Squatch Watchers, and we can't wait to share it with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The channel's video video details an intriguing series of events experienced by a family living near Cherokee, North Carolina.
According to the video, the family, who wishes to remain anonymous, reported that their young child encountered a "bear" standing on two legs and offering berries. The child described the creature as trying to hand them over, which is quite unusual for a bear. A few days later, the child returned, claiming the "bear" was back and had mashed berries in its hands.
The parents, understandably puzzled, began to suspect that this might not be an ordinary bear encounter. When the child reported seeing the "bear" again, the parents rushed outside and caught a glimpse of the creature walking away on two legs. They described the creature as "having to be Bigfoot" due to the way it moved and the breaks around their property.
The family has been hesitant to share their story publicly, fearing it might bring unwanted attention or disrespect to the native land. However, they have been in touch with the Squatch Watchers team, who are eagerly waiting for permission to investigate the property.
The story bears a resemblance to the famous "Hurricane Creek" family, who also reported friendly encounters with a Bigfoot. Could this be another instance of a Sasquatch attempting to establish contact with humans? Or is it simply a bear exhibiting strange behavior?
We highly encourage our readers to watch the Squatch Watchers video and form their own opinions on this captivating tale. The possibility of a Bigfoot attempting to communicate or make peace offerings through berries is an exciting development in the world of Sasquatch research. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Stay Squatchable, everyone.