Trappers' Deadly Encounter: The Idaho Bigfoot Legend

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By staff

If you're a fan of the paranormal and unexplained, you're in for a treat. This YouTube channel recently featured a video that tells an eerie story of an encounter with a mysterious creature, reminiscent of tales from the Wild West. The video's narrator shares a chilling tale, passed down from Hank and allegedly told by none other than Theodore Roosevelt. According to the story, two trappers, Bauman and Jessup, had a harrowing experience in the Idaho wilderness back in 1850. While setting traps near a creek, the duo decided to camp overnight at a spot with a notorious reputation. The pass they had to travel through was said to be haunted ever since a group of 100 wandered into it and were killed by some wild beast the previous year. Despite the eerie tales, the trappers set up camp and went about their business. Upon their return, they found their camp in disarray, with blankets and supplies scattered about. The narrator then describes the discovery of large, clear footprints, leading the trappers to believe that whatever had visited their camp walked on two legs. The story takes a darker turn when Bauman is awakened in the middle of the night by strange noises. Whatever it was, the creature stood on the other side of the swamp for an hour, making terrifying sounds but never approaching the camp. The next morning, the trappers discovered that all their traps were empty. As they prepared to leave, Jessup went back to the camp to gather their gear, but he never returned. Bauman found him dead, his neck broken, as if it had been nothing but a twig. With no choice but to bury his partner, Bauman quickly gathered his things and fled the area, leaving the traps and Jessup's bones behind. This chilling tale is a fascinating addition to the many mysteries surrounding the unknown creatures that roam our wilderness. If you're intrigued by this story, be sure to check out the original video on Squatchable's YouTube channel. And, as always, keep your eyes peeled and your cameras ready for the next unexplained encounter.