911 Dispatcher's Bigfoot Sighting Near Capitol Forest's Infamous Print

Posted Thursday, January 18, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new and chilling sighting has been reported in Capitol Forest, Washington, and it's just a stone's throw away from the infamous 911 dispatcher encounter that took place in November 2020. The YouTube channel Salish Sasquatch recently shared a video highlighting this recent sighting, and it's a must-watch for all Squatchable readers. According to the 911 dispatcher, she was driving home around 3:30 pm, between the towns of Malone and Porter, Washington, when she noticed a dark creature about 15 feet up, off to her left. She described the creature as approximately six feet tall, thin and lean, with patchy bald spots on its body and lighter skin. The face, she reported, looked very human. The dispatcher said the encounter only lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like slow motion. As she drove by, she saw the creature make a 180-degree turn and walk into the woods. Interestingly, right across the street from where the creature was standing is the Chehalis River, which was full of coho salmon at the time of the sighting. Salish Sasquatch takes us to the exact location where the creature was spotted, and it's a breathtaking sight to behold. The video also highlights the connection between this location and the famous 1982 Grace Harbor print, which was discovered in the same area. The Capital Forest, which connects these two locations, has a long history of Sasquatch sightings, making this area a hotspot for Squatchable enthusiasts. The video doesn't mention any Bigfoot or Sasquatch by name, but the description of the creature and the location of the sighting make it clear that this is a report of a possible Sasquatch encounter. We encourage all Squatchable readers to watch the Salish Sasquatch video and share their thoughts on this recent sighting. Remember, we are open-minded and accept all ideas, so don't hesitate to share your opinions, no matter how unconventional they may be. Let's continue to explore and learn more about the fascinating world of Sasquatch!