Minnesota Musician's Shocking Encounters with the Red Sasquatch

Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Randy, a musician from northern Minnesota, shares his experiences of encountering Bigfoot on his property. It all started when he found three deer killed in their beds with no traces of bones or rib cages, just hair. Later, he discovered large footprints around his property, which he initially laughed off as Sasquatch or Bigfoot tracks. He sent pictures of the footprints to the SRA of Minnesota, and they confirmed his suspicions. Since then, Randy has had multiple daytime sightings of Sasquatch, some of which were less than 50 yards away. He has also found deer skulls and sticks left as signs. Randy's stories include a red Sasquatch that was nine feet tall and disappeared in front of him, as well as an instance where he found a massive creature even with the black plastic wrap on a powerline pole, which was 10 feet up.