Bigfoot Encounters, Medicinal Scat, and Hidden Hearts: New Discoveries

Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By staff

The video begins with some music and applause, followed by a conversation between Grizzly, Cat, Derek, Barb, and special guests Brian and Oldbear. Brian shares a story about receiving a call from a woman in the hospital while he was backstage, and how he was able to help her get the help she needed. Oldbear talks about his recent travels and a strange encounter one of his clients had with a Bigfoot that threw poop at him. Rebecca discusses the potential medicinal properties of Bigfoot scat and its similarities to cow manure. Oldbear shares his skepticism about the story of the client who was hit with poop. The conversation then turns to the possible existence of a second heart in Bigfoots and its potential effects on their electric charge and ability to cloak themselves.