Paranormal Investigators' Encounter: Larger-than-Life Ohio Howl and E.T. Communication

Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By staff

Jamie and Jenny King, paranormal investigators with over 10 years of experience, share their encounter in the Shenango Valley in Western Pennsylvania. While hiking on the Turkey Trail, they heard a loud vocalization that sounded like a dinosaur and felt a physical sensation. They later identified the sound as the Ohio howl, a Bigfoot vocalization, but the one they heard was much bigger and louder. The encounter led them to study the power of thoughts and prayers and utilize the 12 universal laws in their research. They have had supernatural encounters with E.T and communicate with whatever might be in the forest. Albert Walker, who claimed to have seen something emerge from the woods near protected federal land in the Chenango Valley, shares his experience of seeing a slender figure, approximately 6.5 feet tall and 200 pounds, with a bigger head and a nose, stepping across the road.