Oregon Plumber and Wife's Uncovered Bigfoot Encounters: Community Stories Revealed

Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Stan Avery, a plumbing contractor and father of nine from Bandon, Oregon, shares his and his wife's experiences and beliefs regarding Bigfoot. Growing up near the Lummi Indian reservation in Washington and the caralis in Fourth and Caralis, Oregon, both Stan and his wife Teresa had early exposure to the idea of Bigfoot's existence. They recount their first encounter in a wilderness area in Oregon, where they found a Doug fir tree broken and shredded, with no signs of claw or tooth marks. Since then, they have heard numerous accounts of Bigfoot sightings from people in their community. Stan has become a sort of "accidental Confessor" for people to share their Bigfoot experiences with him.