Boggy Creek Creature: Eyewitness Accounts, 70s Movies, and Modern Sightings - Watch Now!
Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024
By staff
The video starts with a group of people preparing to go camping and looking for the Boggy Creek creature. They mention a barn where the creature was sighted and plan to investigate it. The video then transitions to an interview with Danny Stanton from South Carolina, who talks about Bigfoot movies. He mentions some popular Bigfoot movies and shares his memories of going to the movies in the 70s and 80s. The video then goes back to discussing Boggy Creek and its history, including eyewitness reports and the 1972 movie "The Legend of Boggy Creek." The video concludes with a trailer for the movie. Overall, the video provides some information about Boggy Creek and its associated movie, but it also includes a lot of tangents and personal anecdotes.