Ranger Zoe's Dogman Encounter: Protecting Colorado Wilderness from Mysterious Threats

Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A park ranger named Zoe recounts her encounter with a Dogman creature in the White River National Forest in Colorado. She describes the creature as a bipedal predator with glowing eyes and razor-sharp claws. Zoe shares her experience of confronting the Dogman and fighting it off with her gun. She also mentions her recovery and return to her post at the watchtower, where she vows to protect the wilderness from tangible and intangible threats. The video ends with a personal account from someone who claims to have seen a Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest. They describe the creature as enormous, hulking, and intimidating, and mention their belief that a handgun would not have been effective against it. They also share their experience of hearing a strange, animal-like scream in the forest.