Mysterious Lights, Drum Beats, and Footprints: Evidence of Bigfoot Encounter Near Fear Rock?
Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024
By staff
Two individuals are out in the woods at night and witness two flashes of light. They describe the lights as being too cold for lightning bugs and not having a green or yellow luminescent firefly look. They hear banging noises and smell a musky odor. They describe the banging as a low, a-rhythmic beat and speculate that it could be a Native American drum beat. They also hear what sounds like something tearing up a doom buggy. The area they are in is close to Fear Rock, and they mention that things have changed in the area. They find a large rock that has been shattered and speculate that something has been beating on it. They hear strange whooping and yelping noises and see something being thrown. A triangle-shaped object is seen in the sky, and they hear a crash. They hear a ghost-like cry mixed with what sounds like a horse or a fallen angel. They find fresh footprints and speculate that something was scaling the gravel.