Bigfoot Encounter in Western NY: Teen Hunter's Chilling Tale of Sasquatch Sighting and Lair
Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024
By staff
The individual in the video describes their encounter with a possible Bigfoot while they were out squirrel hunting in Western New York when they were 14 years old. They came across a large footprint near Kesa Creek, which they initially thought was a bear track, but upon closer inspection, they realized it was much larger and had five toes. They followed the tracks until they entered the woodline and lost them. Later, they stumbled upon a structure made of pine branches and other natural materials, which they believed could have been a shelter built by a hermit or a Bigfoot. The smell of urine, dirty socks, and feces coming from the structure reinforced their belief that a large creature had built it. The sighting sparked their interest in Bigfoot, and they have been searching for evidence of its existence ever since.
Years later, they had another encounter while retrieving a hiking stick they had left behind in the woods. As they approached the area, they heard a scream and saw a massive, hair-covered hominid standing about 40 feet away, staring at them. The individual slowly backed away and eventually made their way back to their Jeep, shaken by the experience. They describe the creature as having deep-set eyes, hair hanging down to its shoulders, and a frown on its face. Despite their phone being in their back pocket, they were unable to take a picture of the creature.