New Bigfoot Sighting in Oklahoma? Humbug Festival Reveals Trail Camera Evidence!

Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By staff

Squatch Ranger Files episode 59 discusses recent Bigfoot sightings and the 2023 Humbug Bigfoot festival and Conference in Mallister, Oklahoma. A witness reached out to the Native Oklahoma Bigfoot Research Organization with a trail camera picture from their farm, showing what appears to be a Sasquatch face and arm. The witness also reported hearing loud howls and seeing eye reflection in their tree line. The witness was inspired to reach out after seeing an article about the Bigfoot festival and conference. Noo has requested to investigate the property, but the owner does not want to pursue an on-site investigation at this time. The organization plans to conduct a recreation photo of the area with the trail camera to estimate a more accurate size of the creature.