Missouri Monster: Eyewitness Accounts & Posse's Hunt for Bigfoot in Louisiana, MO
Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In the small town of Louisiana, Missouri, a series of sightings of a large, hairy, man-like creature known as the "Missouri Monster" or "Momo" occurred in 1972. The first sighting was by two young boys, Terry and Wallace Harrison, who saw the creature near their home at the base of Marsol Hill. Later, their sister Doris also saw the creature, describing it as 6 or 7 feet tall, black, and hairy with no neck. Other residents of the town also reported seeing the creature, including Pat Howard who saw a "dark object running like a man" on the river road, and Ellis Miner who saw the creature outside his cabin at night. A posse was organized to search Marsol Hill, where they found evidence of recent activity, including an old dump that had been disturbed and two disinterred dog graves. The Harrison home became a staging area for those searching for the creature. The sightings and activity continued for several years, with the town even holding "Momo Days" to celebrate the legend.