Indiana Warehouse Worker Encounters Mysterious Headless Creature, Starts Podcast for Bigfoot Sightings in Ohio
Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024
By staff
In 2007, a warehouse worker in rural Indiana encountered a large, black, cloaked figure while driving home from work. The figure had no head or arms and moved in an unnatural way, like a wacky inflatable tube man. The witness's coworker also saw the figure and described it as a large black dog. When the witness got out of the car to investigate, the dog stood up on its hind legs, nearly as tall as he was, and ran off into the trees. The witness's coworker threatened him to keep quiet about the incident, but he has since started a podcast to share his experience and gather advice on how to deal with a similar creature that has been causing problems at his research partner's cabin in Southeast Ohio. The witness's mother also recently saw red eyeshine on the side of the road, which she believes belonged to a creature similar to the one described by her son.