Utah Resident's 1968 Bigfoot Encounter: Glowing Eyes, Horses Sense Something Else

Posted Wednesday, January 17, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A resident of Wheeler Canyon in Ogden, Utah shares her encounter with a Bigfoot in 1968. She saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring at her from the window while she was in the kitchen. She couldn't see the rest of the creature, but its dark outline was visible through the window. She called the police, who arrived 30-45 minutes later. The next day, she noticed that the porch doorway and steps were built to go right along the house toward the driveway, making it difficult to find any tracks. A few years later, someone changed the door and stairs to go away from the house and out toward the lawn. Her husband also had a strange encounter a few months after she moved out. He saw a dark, hairy face looking in at him through the little diamond-shaped window on the door. He thought it was a bear, but later realized that it couldn't have been a bear because its face was up close to the window, and a bear's snout would not fit close to the window like that. The family had kept horses in a corral down by the creek, and more than once, she heard the horses screaming in the evenings. She told her husband about it, and he said it was probably just the mayor picking on one of the boys or that they could sense a wild cat up in the cliffs. However, after her Bigfoot encounter, she believed that the horses could sense or smell something else.