Mysterious Audio Recordings of Knocks and Taps in Two Different Locations
Posted Saturday, February 25, 2023
By staff
If you're a researcher, you might be interested in this video on YouTube, which claims to capture some eerie sounds that could be evidence of Sasquatch's existence. According to the uploader, who goes by the name of "Grassman58," he has recorded some strange knocking and tapping sounds in two different locations, which he believes might be a form of communication between the elusive creatures.
The first part of the video features some audio that Grassman had previously shared on his channel, which he recorded using a parabolic dish while camping up at Lost Lake near the Mt. St. Helens area. The recording picked up a series of distinct tapping or knocking sounds, which Grassman said he never heard in the campsite or nearby, but only detected after reviewing the audio later. He speculated that the sounds might be made by Bigfoot to communicate with each other, although he acknowledged that other explanations, such as woodpeckers or squirrels, could not be ruled out entirely.
The second part of the video is where Grassman presents his latest findings. He claimed to have captured a similar pattern of knocks and taps while camping up at Sand Canyon about a week ago, using the same parabolic dish. He played the audio, which sounded like a series of rhythmic thumps or snaps, and compared it to the earlier recording from Lost Lake. Grassman noted that both recordings share some common features, such as the timing, the pitch, and the pattern of the knocks. He also noted that both recordings were made in remote areas, far from human activities, which made it less likely for the sounds to be caused by people.
Grassman suggested that the similarity between the two recordings might indicate a form of communication between Bigfoot, or at least some kind of natural phenomenon that produces such sounds. He invited his audience to listen to the audio and share their opinions, as well as to keep an ear out for similar sounds when they're out in the woods. He also hinted that he might conduct further investigations to gather more evidence of Bigfoot's existence, using his parabolic dish or other tools.
Although the video does not provide conclusive proof of Bigfoot, it could spark some interest and curiosity among those who believe in the cryptid. The audio recordings are intriguing, and the fact that they were captured in two different locations could support the idea that there's something out there making these sounds. Whether it's Bigfoot, some other animal, or a natural phenomenon, remains to be seen. However, the hunt for Bigfoot goes on, and Grassman's recordings might be a small but significant step towards the discovery of the elusive creature.