Here's a spine-chilling story of a family's encounter with Bigfoot in British Columbia. The video, which was uploaded by Chris, a YouTuber and Bigfoot enthusiast, recounted the tale of Stephen and his daughter Katie, who lived on the outskirts of Silver Creek in British Columbia.
Stephen had some property in the area, and his daughter Katie joined him during the school year. One winter evening, they went to the backyard to have some fun skating on a pond. However, their enjoyable time got interrupted when they came across some strange tracks in the snow. Initially, Stephen thought it might be a bear or some other animal, but he noticed that the tracks were too large and too far apart.
After playing on the pond for a few minutes, Katie's friend suddenly started crying uncontrollably, and Stephen saw a face peering out from behind a tree. Sometime later, Stephen noticed three more of the same creatures were standing in trees, silently staring at them. He couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right.
The creatures that Stephen and Katie encountered were too tall to be humans, and too different to be apes. Their faces were not distinctly human, and they seemed to have immense strength, as one of them was seen scaling a tree with ease. The experience left the family petrified and traumatized.
This story is just one of the many accounts of Bigfoot sightings around the world. However, sightings in British Columbia are of particular interest to many researchers and enthusiasts because the area is home to Sasquatch Provincial Park, a stretch of land that is believed to be inhabited by Bigfoot.