Hot Springs Death Linked to Foot Found in Yellowstone
Posted Friday, August 19, 2022
By staff
Yellowstone National Park officials say no foul play is suspected in relation to the part of a human foot found in a hot spring Tuesday.
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Part of a human foot found in a shoe floating in a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park earlier this week is believed to be linked to the death of a person last month, park officials said Friday.
The July 31 death is being investigated but foul play is not suspected, park officials said in a statement. The statement did not disclose details about how the death is believed to have happened, identify the person who died or say why officials do not suspect foul play.
The shoe was recovered from the park's Abyss Pool on Tuesday after an employee spotted it, park officials said.
News of that discovery led a man from Maryland to contact the National Park Service to report that he and his family had spotted a shoe, floating sole up, in the hot spring on the morning of Aug. 11.