Hunter Witnesses Female Sasquatch Feeding a Deer - My Bigfoot Sighting
Posted Saturday, March 13, 2021
By staff
Guest 1
Mike has seen a lot of things while spending as much time as he has in the woods, but one day, he saw something that topped anything he'd ever seen before. He saw a 600 pound, female Sasquatch feeding a deer! At first, he didn’t realize it, but she wasn’t alone. She had company!
Guest 2
In June, of 2019, Laura and her husband were fishing for rainbow trout, on Rainbow Lake, outside of Sterling, Alaska. As they were coming around a bend in the lake, they started to hear some splashing sounds. When they looked at the source of the sound, they saw an otter. After approaching the otter, it dove into the water and disappeared. Right after it disappeared, another creature made its presence known and it wasn't an otter. it was much bigger!