Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter in Selena, Ohio: Couple's Chilling Story

Posted Tuesday, March 25, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A chilling encounter with an unknown creature in the Ohio countryside has been making waves on YouTube, and I couldn't help but delve into this fascinating story. The video, discovered on the channel Deep Woods Horror, recounts a harrowing experience between a couple and a mysterious being that defies conventional explanation. Alan and Marjorie Gates, an ordinary couple from the city, were on a camping trip in a small private campground just outside Selena, Ohio. Their peaceful weekend took a dramatic turn when they heard strange noises outside their RV. At first, they dismissed it as a raccoon or a stray dog, but soon realized they were dealing with something far more unusual. As they peered outside their window, they saw a massive figure standing at least 8 feet tall, covered in coarse grayish-brown fur. The creature's eyes glowed a fiery orange in the moonlight, and it seemed to be testing the strength of their RV. Alan and Marjorie were left in a state of terror, with no real defense against this mysterious being. When the couple reported the incident to local law enforcement, the police and a park ranger arrived on the scene, armed and prepared for a dangerous animal encounter. As they investigated the area, they discovered massive footprints, unlike anything they had ever seen before. The creature's tracks had toes like an oversized human footprint but with elongated toes and signs of claw marks. As the night wore on, the officers heard a series of low growls and the cracking of branches. They spotted the creature standing just a few yards away, and it let out a growl deeper and more menacing than anything they had ever heard. The creature did not obey the officer's command to freeze and instead took a step forward, revealing its sharp canines. The officer fired a warning shot, and the creature retreated into the darkness, along with other figures lurking in the shadows. The officers heard heavy footsteps pounding the ground and branches snapping as the creatures disappeared among the trees. This captivating story, shared on the Deep Woods Horror YouTube channel, offers a thrilling glimpse into the unknown and serves as a reminder of the mysterious creatures that may still be out there, waiting to be discovered. If you're as intrigued by this tale as I am, I encourage you to watch the video and share your thoughts with our Squatchable community.