Exploring Swamp's Active Bigfoot Sounds, Planning Return Expedition

Posted Monday, March 24, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has recently caught my attention and I just had to share it with all of you fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! The video, titled "Paranormal fieldwork in the Deep South," was posted by the YouTube channel Inter-dimensional Wisdom. In the video, we join the vlogger on a nighttime exploration through the woods of the Deep South. The vlogger describes hearing strange noises, including what sounds like owls, coyotes, and even rocks being thrown. They also mention encountering "yellow flies" and discuss the use of insect nets and bug spray. One of the most interesting parts of the video is when the vlogger mentions the possibility of multiple entities in the area. They describe feeling like they are being watched and mention the presence of an "L" shaped path that is said to be used by these entities. I found this video to be particularly intriguing. The vlogger's descriptions of the strange noises and feelings of being watched are reminiscent of many Bigfoot sighting reports. The mention of the "L" shaped path also caught my attention, as it is a common feature in many Bigfoot habitats. I encourage all of you to check out the video for yourselves and see what you think. Who knows, you may just hear something strange in the background or pick up on something that the vlogger missed. As always, happy squatching!