Washington Wildlife Officer's Shocking Bigfoot Encounter on Radio Show
Posted Monday, March 24, 2025
By Squatchable.com staff
A thrilling account of a Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel, Sasquatch Chronicles. The video, titled "SC EP:890 Somebody Save Me," features an interview with Kevin, a Washington State resident who had a close encounter with a Sasquatch while working for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Kevin was conducting stream surveys on coho salmon in the Mil Creek Watershed, an area known for its rugged terrain and abundant wildlife. During his last week of work, he had an unforgettable encounter with a Sasquatch.
Kevin describes the Sasquatch as being around 6'9" tall and moving almost as if it was gliding across the beach. He also mentions that the creature's movements were unlike anything he had ever seen before. The Sasquatch's behavior was also unusual, as it appeared to be communicating with another Sasquatch in what sounded like a language.
The encounter left Kevin feeling a heightened sense of awareness and fear, as he felt that something was watching him the entire time. He also mentions that the Sasquatch he saw was jet black, even in the daylight, and had a pointed head, which was unexpected.
This video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The account is both fascinating and chilling, and it provides a unique insight into the world of Sasquatch. Be sure to check out the video on Sasquatch Chronicles and let us know what you think.