Survivorman Les Stroud's Intense Bigfoot Encounter in Alberta's No Man's Hollow

Posted Monday, March 24, 2025

By staff

A chilling account of an experience in "no man's hollow" in northern Alberta has been shared on the YouTube channel Paths of the Unknown. The video, titled "Survivorman Bigfoot | The Hidden World | Sasquatch Scary Stories," features Les Straoud, also known as Survivorman, as he embarks on a personal journey to investigate the stories he's heard about the area. Straoud, an experienced survivalist, enters the forest without a team or weapons, just cameras, a blade, his pack, and his instincts. The forest is described as having an eerie calm, with an unnatural silence that makes the air feel heavy and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. As Straoud sets up camp, he discovers a tree bent in a tight arc and anchored by another branch driven through it like a stake. The deliberate and placed appearance of the tree structure adds to the unsettling atmosphere of the forest. Throughout the night, Straoud hears strange noises and feels like he's being watched. He captures a shadowy figure on camera, but it disappears just as quickly as it appeared. The next morning, Straoud finds a clearing marked with broken branches in a strange pattern. He continues his journey, noticing trees marked with long vertical scratches that are too high for any known animal in the region to reach. As Straoud climbs a nearby slope to scan the surrounding terrain, he hears a loud snap, like a branch breaking under pressure. He waits and scans the tree line, but nothing moves. Later, he spots a second crack, closer and sharper than the first. Back at camp, the air feels heavier than before, and Straoud sees a figure at the far end of the clearing. It's tall and motionless, but when he looks again, it's gone. The following morning, Straoud finds a track that's not quite a bootprint and not quite a paw print. He follows the line of prints, and they lead him deeper into the forest. As Straoud continues his journey, he hears slow, steady breathing and whispers "You're close." Another knock echoes through the trees, louder than the others, and then silence returns, heavier than before. This video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. Straoud's account of his experience in "no man's hollow" is both fascinating and terrifying. The evidence he captures on camera, from the tree structure to the shadowy figure, adds to the intrigue of the video. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. Do you think Straoud encountered a Sasquatch in the forest? What do you make of the evidence he captured on camera? Let us know in the comments below.