Arkansas Hunter's Encounter: Giant, Gray-Skinned Bigfoot with Four-Toed Footprint

Posted Sunday, March 23, 2025

By staff

A chilling encounter in the swamps of Arkansas was reported by a hunter named Bobby, who was out with his companions and their Walker hounds. The group was hunting in the Red River Sulfur River Corridor, a heavily wooded and marshy area, when Bobby's dogs picked up the scent of a raccoon in a different direction from his friends' dogs. As Bobby followed his dogs, they treed a raccoon and he decided to head back to catch up with his friends. It was then that he heard the sound of someone or something walking behind him, making splashes in the water. Assuming it was one of his friends, he called out, but received no response. The dogs began to cower and whimper, a behavior that was very unusual for them. Suddenly, Bobby heard a deep-throated, low growl and turned to see an immense creature standing 8-9 feet tall, with dark brown, almost reddish-brown fur. The creature's eyes reflected in the light like a deer's, and it made a hissing sound directly at him. The dogs became emboldened and began barking and chopping at the leash, trying to get to the creature. The creature then reached down into the water with a long gray hand and began splashing water on Bobby's chest and face. Terrified, Bobby turned and ran with the dogs leading the way. He soon realized he was heading in the wrong direction and stopped by a cypress tree to catch his breath. He heard the splashing sound again, this time coming towards him. As he continued on, he heard a low moaning sound echoing through the swamp. At the top of a hill, he saw a massive human-like footprint with four toes. He made his way back to his truck, shaken by the experience. This video, discovered on YouTube, is a fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter. Whether or not you believe in the existence of Bigfoot, it's impossible to deny the terror that Bobby felt during his encounter. If you're interested in learning more about this story, be sure to check out the full video on YouTube.