Return to the Ozarks: Uncovering New Bigfoot Evidence and Encountering Unexplained Vocalizations
Posted Sunday, March 23, 2025
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch Theory has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, the channel's owner and another researcher, known as the Ozark Harryman, claim to have found Bigfoot tracks and heard wood knocks in a conservation area near Little Indian Creek, close to the Marac River.
According to the video, the researchers were out on their ebikes, exploring the area and setting up audio recorders when they stumbled upon the tracks. The tracks were described as being around 13-15 inches long and deep in the mud, with no signs of human footprints nearby. The researchers also noticed fresh tree breaks and heard what they believed to be wood knocks, a common sign of Bigfoot activity.
The researchers were excited about their discovery and were hopeful that they had captured something on audio. They also mentioned that the area has a history of Bigfoot sightings and that a property owner nearby has reported years of Sasquatch activity.
I am always intrigued by new evidence and sightings. The video presented by Sasquatch Theory is definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The researchers' excitement and passion for the subject are palpable, and their attention to detail and knowledge of the area add credibility to their claims.
While the video doesn't provide definitive proof of Bigfoot's existence, it does add to the mounting evidence and anecdotal reports of the elusive creature. The researchers' findings serve as a reminder of the importance of exploring and documenting these types of sightings and experiences.
If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot and keeping up with the latest sightings and evidence, be sure to check out Squatchable's website and social media channels. And of course, don't forget to watch the video and form your own opinion on the Sasquatch Theory's latest discovery.