Witness Recounts Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in 90s California

Posted Sunday, March 23, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has recently emerged on YouTube, and it's definitely worth a watch for any serious Squatch enthusiast. The witness, who remains unnamed, describes his experience while foraging for mushrooms near Bluff Creek, California, in the 1990s. As the witness was searching for the elusive "pig's ear" mushroom, he heard loud rustling noises coming down the creek. Assuming it was his two dogs, he hid behind a boulder and prepared to scare them. However, when he finally caught a glimpse of what was making the noise, he realized it wasn't his dogs at all. The creature he saw had a white coat, and when it looked directly at him, the witness was struck by its sheer size and strength. Despite his initial shock, the witness couldn't resist the urge to follow the creature, hoping to get a second look. Unfortunately, the Bigfoot was too quick and disappeared into the woods. What's particularly interesting about this account is that the witness didn't notice any odor associated with the creature, which is often reported in Bigfoot sightings. Additionally, the witness mentioned that he was more curious than afraid during the encounter, which is a common reaction among those who have had close encounters with these elusive beings. The witness's description of the creature's proportions is also noteworthy. He mentioned that the Bigfoot's stride was much larger than his own, and it was able to climb steep embankments with ease. After the encounter, the witness began to notice more reports of Bigfoot sightings in the area, including polaroid pictures at a local gas station. He also learned that many of his friends and neighbors had their own Bigfoot stories to share. Overall, this is a captivating account of a possible Bigfoot sighting, and it's definitely worth checking out the full video on YouTube. Who knows, it might just inspire you to go out and do some mushroom foraging of your own!