Mothman Legend: Red-Eyed Wings & West Virginia Tragedies
Posted Saturday, March 22, 2025
By staff
In a video posted to YouTube by The Cryptid Report, Mothman expert Lyle Blackburn shares his insights on the Chicago sightings of the winged creature. According to Blackburn, there have been numerous reports of a large, dark figure with glowing red eyes and the ability to fly at incredible speeds near O'Hare Airport. Some believe it to be the same Mothman that was seen in West Virginia before the tragic collapse of the Silver Bridge, while others think it may be something else entirely.
The legend of the Mothman dates back to 1966, when two young couples in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, reported seeing a massive humanoid figure with glowing red eyes and leathery wings near an abandoned Power Plant. The sighting sparked a wave of reports in the area, with witnesses describing a creature that moved with unnatural speed and emitted a low humming sound.
In the years that followed, there were reports of strange occurrences in Point Pleasant, including the disappearance of animals, malfunctioning electronics, and the presence of a mysterious figure in a dark suit warning witnesses to remain silent. Some believe that the Mothman was a harbinger of doom, appearing before the tragic collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967.
Now, in 2011, reports of a similar creature began surfacing in Chicago. Witnesses describe a large, black, bat-like entity with glowing red eyes, moving unnaturally and inspiring fear in those who see it. By 2017, there had been 55 sightings of the creature in the city.
One notable sighting was reported by John Amitrano, a security worker at a popular bar in the Logan Square neighborhood. Amitrano saw the creature flying under a plane, but its movement was unlike anything he had ever seen. He immediately wanted to take a picture, but by the time he got his phone, the creature had disappeared.
Paranormal investigator Lon Strickler has been documenting every sighting of the winged humanoid in Chicago. He believes that there are at least three separate flying humanoids in the city, based on variations in descriptions and sighting locations.
While some skeptics dismiss the reports as mass hysteria or misidentified birds, the sheer volume of encounters is hard to ignore. The creatures have been spotted gliding over highways, perched on rooftops, and even swooping at cars and pedestrians.
One of the most disturbing reports came from an airport postal worker, who saw the creature standing at the far end of a parking lot. As she got closer, the figure unfurled massive bat-like wings, revealing a towering and menacing presence. The creature let out a high-pitched clicking noise followed by a piercing screech, causing the woman to rush into her car and lock the doors.
Sightings of the creature have expanded beyond O'Hare Airport, with reports coming from Navy Pier, Millennium Park, and even residential neighborhoods.
I am always intrigued by reports of mysterious creatures and the unexplained. The Mothman sightings in Chicago are certainly interesting and worth further investigation. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the matter.