Chester Moore's Childhood Bigfoot Encounter Sparks Gulf Coast Investigation

Posted Saturday, March 22, 2025

By staff

A recent video posted on the YouTube channel Bigfoot Society has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video features an interview with Chester Moore, an award-winning wildlife journalist, investigator, and author of the book "Bigfoot South." In the video, Moore shares his personal experiences and insights on the elusive creature, including his first encounter with Bigfoot as a child. As a young boy, Moore was captivated by the Patterson-Gimlin film and the legend of Bigfoot. His interest in the creature was further fueled by his father's encounter with something strange in the woods of Newton County, Texas. However, it wasn't until many years later, during an investigation with the Gulf Coast Bigfoot research organization, that Moore had his own encounter with the creature. During the investigation, the group heard strange vocalizations that sounded like a "moan" and "growl" coming from different directions. But it was the final encounter that solidified Moore's belief in the existence of Bigfoot. At 4:00 AM, as the group was packing up to leave, they were suddenly met with a "guttural, evil-sounding" growl that sent chills down their spines. Moore's father, who was present during the encounter, confirmed that it was the same sound they had heard years ago in East Texas. Moore also shares his experience with a howler monkey in Venezuela, which made a sound similar to the one he heard during his Bigfoot encounter. He believes that the creature he encountered in Texas was a primate, and the sounds it made were consistent with the Sierra sounds, which contain a guttural growl. As a wildlife journalist, Moore's first-hand experiences and knowledge of wildlife make his insights on Bigfoot all the more compelling. His book "Bigfoot South" offers an expanded look into the creature's presence in the southern United States. This video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The personal experiences and insights shared by Chester Moore provide a unique perspective on the elusive creature. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just a curious observer, this video is sure to leave you intrigued and captivated by the mystery of Bigfoot.