Bigfoot Encounter in Oregon: Analyzing Mystery Vocalizations with Thinker
Posted Saturday, March 22, 2025
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel ThinkerThunker's - The Whoop Project has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Is this Bigfoot Barking at a Dog?", features an intriguing recording of strange vocalizations coming from a distance, which some believe could be the elusive creature.
In the video, the uploader explains that the recording was submitted by a viewer named Jaden Ericson, who was walking his dog on family property in Colton, Oregon when the dog suddenly hid behind a bush and refused to move. Jaden's father noticed the strange howling and began to record the sounds.
The video includes a spectral analysis of the recording, which shows the different frequencies and amplitudes of the sounds. The uploader compares the vocalizations to those of various breeds of dogs, including a beagle and a basset hound, but finds that they don't quite match up.
However, when the uploader compares the vocalizations to those of a bloodhound, he notes that the sonic fingerprint is similar. But upon closer inspection, he finds that the characteristics of the sounds are still not a perfect match.
The uploader then compares the vocalizations to those of a blue tick hound, and finds that the sonic fingerprint is at least similar. But the real surprise comes when he compares the vocalizations to those of an unknown species in his "hall of fame" of mystery vocalizations. The sounds are nearly identical, with the same flat vocalization and no variance in pitch.
The uploader concludes that the recording is a great catch and encourages Jaden and his father to gear up and try to capture more evidence of the mysterious creature.
I find this video to be quite intriguing. The spectral analysis and comparison to various breeds of dogs is a unique approach, and the similarity to the unknown species in the uploader's "hall of fame" is certainly thought-provoking. While it's impossible to say for certain whether the vocalizations are those of a Bigfoot, the video is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the creature.
You can check out the video for yourself on ThinkerThunker's - The Whoop Project's YouTube channel and let us know what you think. And as always, if you have any encounters or strange experiences to share, be sure to submit them to us for further investigation.