Dr. Simon Hines: Embracing the Reality of Sasquatch and Bigfoot

Posted Saturday, March 22, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A few days ago, I stumbled upon an intriguing video from the YouTube channel of Simeon Hein. The video, titled "Bigfoot, Fractals, and Paranormal Hidden Events: Lecture to Troy Historical Society, March 2025," piqued my interest, and I knew I had to share it with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts at Squatchable. Dr. Simeon Hein, the speaker, is a graduate of Washington State University with a background in sociology and mathematical modeling. His fascination with fractal geometry and its relationship to Bigfoot sightings led him to explore the possibility of hidden patterns and dimensions that may explain the elusive nature of Sasquatch. During his lecture, Dr. Hein shares his personal journey of discovering the world of Sasquatch and how it challenged his understanding of reality. He emphasizes the limitations of traditional statistical methods and how they often overlook phenomena that don't fit conventional explanations. Dr. Hein encourages the audience to embrace a more holistic view of the world, one that acknowledges the complexity and mystery of nature. I found Dr. Hein's insights into fractal geometry and its potential connection to Sasquatch fascinating. Fractals, as Dr. Hein explains, are self-similar shapes that appear increasingly detailed the closer you look. This concept resonates with the enigmatic nature of Bigfoot sightings, where each encounter seems to reveal more questions than answers. Dr. Hein also touches upon the idea of "black swan events," rare and unpredictable phenomena that challenge our understanding of the world. Bigfoot sightings, in many ways, can be considered black swan events, as they defy our conventional understanding of what is possible in the natural world. Towards the end of the lecture, Dr. Hein shares his doctoral dissertation research on the fractal dimensions of crop circles, which he believes hold clues to the existence of hidden dimensions and the presence of non-human intelligences. If you're interested in learning more about the connection between fractal geometry, paranormal events, and Bigfoot, I highly recommend watching this thought-provoking video. It's a refreshing reminder that there's still so much to learn and discover about our world and the mysterious creatures that inhabit it. Remember to share your thoughts and experiences with us here at Squatchable, and let us know what you think about Dr. Hein's ideas. Happy squatching!