Deputy Sheriff's Chilling Encounter with a 8-Foot Bigfoot in Oregon Cascades
Posted Friday, March 21, 2025
By staff
In a chilling account of a close encounter with the mysterious and elusive Sasquatch, former Marine police officer and deputy sheriff Jeff Boiler shares his harrowing experience from 1997 in the forests of the Oregon Cascade Mountains. The video, posted on the YouTube channel The Sasquatch Report, has recently caught the attention of the Bigfoot community.
Boiler, an experienced outdoorsman, had set out for a hike to visit an old friend's unmarked grave site deep in the mountains. After navigating through dense, uncharted terrain for about two hours, he decided to alter his route slightly to take advantage of what appeared to be a clearing on his map. As he stopped at a stream to splash water on his face and check his map, he caught movement just above him. A figure was peering out from behind a tree and a boulder, watching him.
Assuming it was a person, Boiler was taken aback when the figure mimicked his movements and then stepped out from behind the tree. The creature was massive, at least 8 feet tall and covered in dark hair. Instinctively, he reached for his sidearm, but his holster seemed to fumble in his grip. By the time he finally drew his weapon, the creature had vanished.
Determined to get a better look, Boiler climbed a nearby tree to survey the area. When he saw nothing, he decided to explore the rocky outcropping where the creature had stood. However, when he reached the spot, there were no tracks or broken branches to indicate anything had been there. Despite his unease, Boiler pressed on.
It was then that he heard the tremendous cracks echoing through the trees, followed by the deafening crash of something massive falling. Trees were toppling over, and the sounds were getting closer. Boiler panicked and sprinted down the mountain, crashing through the underbrush. The forest erupted with the sound of snapping wood, and trees were falling on either side of him as if something or multiple things were closing in.
When he finally reached a clearing, he skidded to a stop and saw a deer frozen in place, staring behind him. Its ears flicked back, and then, in an instant, it bolted. Boiler didn't dare turn around, sprinting the last half mile to his vehicle. When he reported the encounter to the sheriff, he expected skepticism. Instead, the sheriff merely nodded and told him, "We get reports like this all the time, especially in that part of the Cascades."
For decades, Boiler kept the experience to himself, but when he finally shared his story, the conviction in his voice was undeniable. Whether Sasquatch exists remains an open question, but for Jeff Boiler, whatever was out there in those woods that day was very real and wanted him gone.
If you're intrigued by Boiler's encounter, make sure to watch the full video on The Sasquatch Report's YouTube channel. The vivid details and raw emotion in his account are sure to leave you on the edge of your seat.