Brother Lilfoot's Global Sasquatch Encounters: A Conversation with Steve Stockton
Posted Friday, March 21, 2025
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Tales Untold, host Steve Stockton interviews a man known as Brother Lilfoot, who shares his experiences and knowledge about Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Brother Lilfoot, who grew up in Mississippi with a Methodist Minister father and a mother who went to school with Elvis Presley, has always been fascinated by the legends and stories surrounding Bigfoot.
During the interview, Brother Lilfoot discusses his upbringing and how he became interested in Bigfoot. He explains that his mother's family had a hard life, with his grandfather leaving them when his mother was only three years old. Despite this, his mother's family was able to start a business and give her a small part of it, which she used to start her own business in the mountains of Tennessee.
Brother Lilfoot goes on to explain that he has had several encounters with Bigfoot, which he prefers to call "sa" or "grandfathers of honesty." He believes that Bigfoot is a people, not an animal, and that they have a lot to teach us. He shares a story about recording the sound of one of them smacking a propane tank while he was talking to them about UFOs.
Throughout the interview, Brother Lilfoot shares his experiences and knowledge about Bigfoot in a respectful and open-minded way. He emphasizes the importance of protecting Bigfoot and their habitats, and encourages others to learn more about them.
I found this video to be both informative and fascinating. Brother Lilfoot's experiences and knowledge about Bigfoot are truly remarkable, and his respect for these creatures is evident throughout the interview. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out this video and learn more about Brother Lilfoot's experiences and insights.