Ranger Finn McLoud's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in Chattahoochee Forest
Posted Thursday, March 20, 2025
By Squatchable.com staff
A chilling tale of a harrowing encounter with an unknown creature has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't help but share this eerie story with our fellow Bigfoot believers.
The video, titled "Scary Park Ranger Stories for a Dark and Stormy Night | Forest Ranger, National Park, Missing Person," was posted by the YouTube channel itsRoland. It recounts the terrifying experience of Finn McLoud, a ranger at Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia, who recalls a harrowing search for a missing hiker on Blood Mountain in 2003.
As Finn and his partner, Denny, searched for the missing hiker, Robbie, they stumbled upon his abandoned backpack in the middle of a narrow trail. Finn wasn't too concerned at first, assuming that Robbie had simply lost his way. However, things took a turn for the worse when Denny began to hear strange noises in the woods, describing it as if someone was tailing them, staying just out of sight.
Despite Finn's attempts to brush off Denny's concerns, the two rangers continued their search and eventually stumbled upon Robbie's mutilated body. According to Finn, Robbie's body was torn apart in a way that no known predator could have managed, with deep grooves and claw slashes that seemed almost methodical in their precision.
But the horror didn't end there. As Finn and Denny backed away from Robbie's body, they caught a glimpse of something massive and terrifying lurking in the woods. Finn described it as having long, ape-like arms, a flat, reptilian head, and a mouth full of thick, uneven teeth. Denny, who had his gun drawn, was visibly shaken and insisted that they leave the area immediately.
The encounter left both rangers deeply disturbed, and Finn admits that he tried to warn the authorities about the presence of something dangerous in the woods. However, his warnings fell on deaf ears, and Denny went missing just a week later. Finn continued to search the mountain alone, eventually finding Denny's mutilated body in a similar state to Robbie's.
The story is a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurk in the woods and the importance of taking all strange occurrences seriously. While some may dismiss Finn's story as mere folklore or the product of an overactive imagination, those of us who believe in the existence of Sasquatch cannot help but wonder if there is more to this tale than meets the eye.
I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on Finn's story. Could this be yet another example of a Sasquatch encounter, or is there another explanation for the strange occurrences on Blood Mountain? Only time will tell.
In the meantime, let us continue to keep an open mind and an eager eye on the world around us. Who knows what mysteries still await us in the shadows of the forest?