Cree Wisdom: Bigfoot as Protector of Sacred Lands and Water

Posted Thursday, March 20, 2025

By staff

In a recent video from the Keepers of the Water YouTube channel, esteemed knowledge keeper Dr. Kevin Lewis shares his insights on Bigfoot, or as he refers to it in Cree, "mustapio" or "stino." Dr. Lewis is a Nahia Plains Cree instructor, researcher, and writer who has worked in higher learning institutions in the prairie provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. He is currently working to promote land and language-based education in community schools. In the video, Dr. Lewis discusses the cultural significance of Bigfoot in Cree society and how it is viewed as a protector and a being that can only be seen in sacred places. He also shares stories of big bears, big beavers, and other big beings that existed during the same time as Bigfoot. One of the most interesting parts of the video is when Dr. Lewis talks about the relationship between Bigfoot and humans. He explains that at one time, Bigfoot was very good to humans and they had a good relationship. However, as time went on, Bigfoot started abusing humans and other things, leading to an imbalance and eventually a flood. Dr. Lewis's knowledge and insights into the cultural significance of Bigfoot in Cree society is fascinating and adds to the mystery and allure of this elusive creature. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, this video is definitely worth a watch. It's good to note that while some may view Bigfoot as a myth or legend, many Indigenous cultures, like the Cree, view it as a real and important spiritual being. It's crucial that we respect and honor these cultural beliefs and traditions. I encourage our readers to watch the video and learn more about Dr. Lewis's insights on Bigfoot. Who knows, it may change the way you view this elusive creature.