Ranger Mike's Encounter: Giant Footprints & a 8-ft Tall Hair-Covered Figure at Olympic National Park
Posted Wednesday, March 19, 2025
By Squatchable.com staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Cryptid Chronicles has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers alike. The video, titled "Ranger's Secret Bigfoot Attack in Forbidden Zone – Shocking Evidence Revealed!" tells the story of Ranger Mike Donovan, a seasoned park ranger with over 15 years of experience in Olympic National Park.
One evening, while on patrol, Mike encounters something unusual on the road – a large fallen branch that seems out of place. As he gets out of his truck to move it, he senses that something is off. He hears strange noises coming from the restricted research area nearby, and decides to investigate.
As Mike moves deeper into the forest, he discovers signs of disturbance and what appear to be massive footprints, much larger than any human footprint. The shape is vaguely humanlike, but with five distinct toe impressions and a depth that suggests considerable weight. Mike takes out his phone and snaps several photos, knowing that his colleagues will likely dismiss his findings as bear tracks distorted by rain.
Suddenly, Mike hears a cracking sound and senses that something is watching him. He calls out, identifying himself as a park ranger and asking the intruder to identify themselves. But instead of a response, he is hit with an overwhelming odor of wet fur, musk, and something rotten and primal.
Mike's flashlight then illuminates a nightmarish sight – a figure standing at least 8 feet tall, covered in dark matted hair, with a silhouette that is unmistakably humanoid but proportioned all wrong. The shoulders are too broad, the arms too long, the head sits directly on those massive shoulders without a discernable neck, and in the brief moment that the flat light catches its face, Mike glimpses deep-set eyes reflecting the light.
I found this video to be both fascinating and chilling. The idea of a seasoned park ranger like Mike coming face-to-face with a Sasquatch is both thrilling and terrifying. While some may dismiss the video as mere speculation or hoax, the evidence presented – the footprints, the sounds, the smell – all suggest that there may be some truth to the story.
I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers to watch the video and draw their own conclusions. Whether you believe in the existence of Sasquatch or not, there's no denying that the video is both intriguing and thought-provoking. Who knows – maybe it will inspire you to start your own Bigfoot investigation!