Hunter's Chilling Bigfoot Encounters in Idaho and Montana Forests
Posted Wednesday, March 19, 2025
By staff
A chilling tale of an encounter with the unknown in the woods of northern Idaho is the focus of a video that has been making the rounds on YouTube. The video, posted by the channel Cool Bigfoot, features a firsthand account from an experienced hunter named Bill, who claims to have encountered something otherworldly while hunting in the fall of 1983.
According to Bill, he had been following fresh elk tracks when he noticed something strange - a set of tracks that were humanlike but too big and with a stride that was way too long. He felt a chill creep up his spine as he realized that the tracks didn't lead away from the creek, but towards it.
As he scanned the tree line, he heard a low, deep exhale, and caught a glimpse of a pair of amber-red eyes set high off the ground. A deep, vibrating hum filled the air, and Bill knew that he was in the presence of something that was not of this world.
The creature, described as having massive outline and thick, matted fur, seemed to be at least 7 or 8 feet tall. Bill stood his ground, feeling a primal, ancient warning to stay still. The creature took a step forward, and then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, it turned and walked away.
Bill never knew what he encountered that day, but he knew that it wasn't something that could be explained by conventional means. He and his dog, Rusty, never went back to that part of the forest again.
This story is a reminder that the woods can be a place of mystery and wonder, and that sometimes, the things that go bump in the night are not always what they seem. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, there is no denying the power of a well-told tale of the unknown.
If you're interested in hearing more about Bill's encounter, be sure to check out the video on Cool Bigfoot's YouTube channel. And, as always, stay open-minded and keep an eye out for the unexplained. You never know what you might encounter in the wild.