Alaska Expedition Reveals Potential Bigfoot Kill Site and Mysterious Sounds

Posted Tuesday, March 18, 2025

By staff

Expedition Bigfoot: A Chilling Encounter with the Unknown A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Wild Discovery has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers alike. The video, titled "Expedition Bigfoot Crew EVACUATED After This SHOCKING Discovery," shares a chilling account of a logger's encounter with something mysterious and terrifying in the woods of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. I was captivated by the story shared in the video. The logger, who wished to remain anonymous, described strange occurrences at his logging site, including missing tools, eerie sounds, and an unsettling feeling that something didn't want them there. The sounds he heard were unlike any animal he had ever heard before, and the lack of footprints or any other signs of what could have been responsible left the crew feeling helpless and on edge. The logger's description of the sounds as a "woman getting attacked" and the belief among the locals that these beings lived in the mountains and were to be avoided at all costs added to the intrigue. The team behind Expedition Bigfoot, led by Bryce Johnson, took this information and set out to investigate the area, using modern technology like drones to help in their search. As they explored the remote mountainous region, the team picked up scents of rotting flesh and wet dog, and eventually found two possible locations for Bigfoot sightings. The team split up, with Maria taking the lower altitude target and Russell taking the higher up mountain. It was during Russell's investigation that he and his crew heard loud rustling noises and smelled a strong foul odor. As they searched the area with flashlights, they found pieces of devoured flesh and skin hanging in the trees. Meanwhile, Maria discovered a pile of bones, including a couple of skulls, at a potential kill site for Bigfoot. The readings on her gear began going haywire, indicating a potential encounter with a creature. The team heard strange screams, unlike any known animal, and felt an immediate sense of danger and psychological fear. The logger's warning to stay away from the mountains and the team's own experiences have left me, feeling both intrigued and uneasy. The idea that these beings may be more aggressive and hostile than previously thought is concerning, but the possibility of making contact with them is also exhilarating. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to watch the video and share your thoughts with the Squatchable community. The mystery and allure of Bigfoot continue to captivate us, and stories like this one only fuel our passion for the unknown.