Pennsylvania Man's Childhood Bigfoot Encounters and Discoveries in State Forest
Posted Tuesday, March 18, 2025
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter in Pennsylvania has recently surfaced on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Society. The witness, Dusty, shares his experience of growing up around the Michaux State Forest area and the strange occurrences he encountered.
Dusty's first sighting took place when he moved to a 4-acre lot tucked against the woods, which was primarily State Forest. While exploring the area, he stumbled upon an Old Logging Road and noticed various deer signs, scat, and Footprints. As he continued his exploration, he had a close encounter with what he believes to be an adolescent Sasquatch.
The creature was approximately 40-50 yards away, hiding behind a fallen tree, and appeared to be a reddish-brown color. Dusty describes the Sasquatch as crouching behind the tree, peering up and around, and mimicking the wind's movement. After a series of events, the creature disappeared, leaving Dusty both amazed and frightened.
Dusty's story is a captivating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter. His detailed description of the creature and its behavior is intriguing and aligns with other witness reports. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on Dusty's experience.
I find Dusty's story to be both exciting and informative. His willingness to share his encounter with the Bigfoot community is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing more from Dusty and his future explorations in the Michaux State Forest area.
If you have had a similar experience or have any thoughts on Dusty's encounter, please share them with us in the comments below. Let's continue the conversation and explore the possibility of Sasquatch living among us.