New Bigfoot Sightings Emerge: Colorado Creature, Farm Menace, and Utah Juvenile

Posted Tuesday, March 18, 2025

By staff

Bigfoot sightings continue to roll in, and we've got the latest videos for you! The first one comes from the San Juan mountains of Colorado, where a hiker captured footage of a large, dark figure moving through the woods. The figure doesn't appear to be a bear, and the hiker can be heard expressing his shock and confusion at what he's seeing. Next up, we have a report from a farmer who claims that a creature has been causing problems on his farm. The farmer has even planted corn every other year to give the creature a break, but he still hears strange noises and sees shadowy figures in his fields. The video he captured shows some strange movements and noises, leaving viewers to wonder what could be lurking in those woods. Moving on, we have footage from Mike Green, an ex-police officer and Bigfoot believer. Green claims to have captured footage of Bigfoot in the Uari National Forest back in 2009. The video shows a large, dark figure moving through the woods, and Green can be heard expressing his excitement at the sighting. Finally, we have a video from a man who was taking a stroll through the woods in Utah when he spotted something walking through the trees. The figure appears to be bipedal and moves quickly out of sight. The man didn't even realize he had captured anything until a friend pointed it out in one of his Snapchats. All of these videos are definitely worth a watch, and we encourage our readers to check them out and share their thoughts with us. Who knows, you might just have a sighting of your own!