Newly Leaked Fleer Footage: Analysis of Clandestine Military Operation's Bigfoot Encounter

Posted Monday, March 17, 2025

By staff

A new video has recently surfaced on YouTube that claims to have solved the mystery of some elusive Bigfoot footage. The video, posted by the YouTube channel A Flash Of Beauty, is titled "Big Footage - Mystery Solved" and features a detailed analysis of a 15-minute infrared video that allegedly shows a Bigfoot moving through the woods. The video's host, who remains unnamed, explains that the footage was given to him five years ago by someone who had received it from a military operative. The operative claimed to have captured the footage during a clandestine operation and was too afraid to come forward. The host has been sitting on the footage ever since, waiting for it to be leaked online. In the video, the host shows the footage to various experts, including an archaeologist for the feds and a builder of FLIR units. While some believe the footage to be authentic, others are not so sure. The host also reveals that he has shown the footage to Cliff Barackman, a well-known Bigfoot researcher and cast member of the show "Finding Bigfoot." Barackman recognized the footage as being from an episode of "Unsolved Mysteries" that was filmed on Mount Hood in 1994. The episode featured a reenactment of a convict on the run, with the FLIR footage used to show how the technology could be used to track a person in the woods. Despite Barackman's revelation, the host of the video remains convinced that the footage is authentic and that it shows a real Bigfoot. He challenges viewers to solve the mystery and offers a wooden sculpture of a Sasquatch head as a prize. I am always excited to see new footage and analysis of potential Bigfoot sightings. While this video may not provide definitive proof of the creature's existence, it is certainly intriguing and worth a watch. I encourage all of our readers to check out the video for themselves and draw their own conclusions. Who knows, you may just be the one to solve the mystery and claim the wooden sculpture prize!