Approaching Bigfoot with Love: Unlocking Energetic Connections
Posted Monday, March 17, 2025
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Health Thyself has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. In the video, titled "Contact With The Sasquatch | RYOKAH of the Sassani," the speaker discusses the idea of contact with these elusive beings and the proper way to go about it.
According to the speaker, the human idea of contact and the reality of contact are very different things. They explain that these beings are not lower animals, but rather, they are more psychically sophisticated. This can make contact with them feel intimidating and even traumatic for some people.
The speaker emphasizes that the desire for contact must come from a place of love and a desire to deepen the connection with these beings. They explain that the Sasquatch represent the "before" and humans represent the "after," and that physical contact with them will activate everything that has occurred between the creation of the two species.
They also mention that when it comes to contact with these beings, it is not just a physical phenomenon, but also a psychic and telepathic one. They explain that the level of consciousness of the person seeking contact will determine the degree to which the beings will engage psychically.
As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I found this video to be fascinating and informative. It's good to remember that if we ever have the opportunity to interact with these beings, it should be done with respect and a genuine desire to connect with them.
I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and share your thoughts with us. Let's continue to learn and grow together as a community of Bigfoot believers.