A new batch of intriguing Utah Bigfoot sightings and experiences have been brought to light in a video posted on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Encounters Narrated. The video, titled "UTAH BIGFOOT REPORTS," shares fascinating stories of encounters with the mysterious creature in the Beehive State.
In February 1980, Pauline from Davis County, Utah, had a daylight sighting of a black Bigfoot coming down a ridge. She was 500 yards away when she first spotted the creature, which she initially thought was a high school kid wearing a big coat. However, upon closer inspection, she realized that the creature was unlike anything she had ever seen before.
Another Davis County resident, Ron J Smith, also had a sighting of the same creature just a few days later. He was outside feeding his horse when he heard crunching in the snow behind his house. Scanning the area, he saw the figure 150 feet away. At first, he thought it was a teenager up to no good, but as he focused on the creature, he realized that it was something entirely different.
In Spring 1980, near Cold Springs in Utah, Jay Barker was working at a fish farm when he noticed that fish were missing from the pond. Upon further investigation, he discovered large human-shaped footprints in the mud near the pond. The tracks measured 14 inches long and had curled toes. Jay called Utah fishing game and told them about the tracks. They brought plaster with them to cast a mold of one of the footprints.
In October 1982, a young couple was sitting on an empty field behind a local school talking when they saw something crawling on its stomach towards them. The creature was dark in color and had no apparent clothes on. It was inching forward with nothing but its feet to push forward, and its knees were bent forward. The couple was horrified as they watched the bizarre figure crawl towards them.
These are just a few of the fascinating stories shared in the video. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, these Utah Bigfoot reports are definitely worth checking out. Who knows, you might even have your own Bigfoot encounter to share!