Todd Standing Analyzes New Sasquatch Footage from Vancouver Island

Posted Sunday, March 16, 2025

By staff

A new video has surfaced on YouTube that claims to show footage of a Sasquatch on Vancouver Island. The video, posted by the channel Discovering Bigfoot, has already sparked debate among the Bigfoot community. In the video, Todd Standing, a well-known Bigfoot researcher, analyzes the footage and shares his thoughts on its authenticity. Standing has spent many years studying Sasquatch and has had his own encounters with the elusive creature. The video in question was reportedly taken by a woman who was hiking with a friend. As they were walking, they noticed branches breaking ahead of them and soon spotted something in the distance. The woman quickly grabbed her camera and began filming. The footage shows a large, dark figure moving through the trees. The figure appears to have long hair covering its body, and its movements are slow and deliberate. The woman can be heard whispering to her friend, "Do you see that? Is that a bear?" Standing notes that the figure does not appear to be a bear, elk, or deer, and suggests that it may be a Sasquatch. However, he also points out that the quality of the footage is quite low, making it difficult to make out many details. Despite the low quality, Standing believes that the video is worth taking a closer look at. He notes that the figure's movements are unlike those of any known animal, and that the hair covering its body is similar to that of gorillas and other primates. Of course, not everyone is convinced. Some skeptics argue that the figure could be a person in a costume, or even a tree branch swaying in the wind. However, Standing remains adamant that the video is worth investigating further. I find this video to be both intriguing and exciting. While it's certainly not definitive proof of the existence of Sasquatch, it's definitely worth taking a closer look at. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to watch the video and form their own opinions. If you're interested in learning more about this video or other Bigfoot sightings, be sure to check out the Discovering Bigfoot YouTube channel. And, as always, keep your eyes peeled for any signs of Sasquatch in your own backyard!