Bigfoot Sightings in Ozarks & NAWA Compound: Bob & Dan's Encounters
Posted Sunday, March 16, 2025
By staff
In a recent video from The Sensible Bigfoot Project, Kathy and Bob Strain share their fascinating experiences and observations of these elusive creatures. The Strains are well-known in the Bigfoot community, often mentioned on podcasts and shows, and their encounter with Daniel Falconer only added to their reputation as genuine and accommodating researchers.
During their time at Area X, Kathy and Bob witnessed a unique behavior in a juvenile Bigfoot. While on a trail, Kathy noticed a round, motionless head peeking out from behind a bush. After waiting for several minutes, she observed the head slowly disappearing, suggesting that the creature was moving away while remaining still. This behavior was later observed by Shane, who saw a similar motionless head while walking towards a juvenile Bigfoot in the grass.
The Strains also had a memorable daytime encounter at the NAWAR Compound in Oklahoma City. While standing near the main cabin, Kathy noticed a branch being gently pushed down by something behind a bush. When she went to investigate with the group, they found that a Sasquatch had been hiding in the bushes, attempting to attract their attention with rock throws and noises.
These captivating stories from Kathy and Bob Strain provide valuable insights into Bigfoot behavior and further solidify their status as respected figures in the Bigfoot community. To learn more about their encounters and observations, be sure to watch the full video on The Sensible Bigfoot Project's YouTube channel.